Wednesday, May 30, 2012

ICW - Beufort to Charleston, South Carolina

ICW - Beufort to Charleston, South Carolina


There are several words which come to mind when you mention this 70 something mile passage. All of which are not really that suited to a family blog like this one.

What makes me say that? Perhaps it was the getting up at 6am to shred across twenty miles and then spend 2 hours doing a detour that ended up sending us back where we started. Perhaps it was running aground 4 times in 6 hours. Perhaps it had something to do with dropping the hook and waiting for the incoming tide (which took hours!) so there was 5mm under the keel which allowed us to scrape through shallow parts. Perhaps it was the anchor dragging when we wanted to have a rest. I could go on. But I will not.

…. I think it is probably best if I continue to think those nasty thoughts but mention them. Dare I say, the feeling is mutual amongst all on board.

Perhaps, instead I can share some quotes with you from book’s  I was read along the way. You might want to relate these quotes to our predicament, or you may be able to relate these quotes to your own situation. What ever the case; “”Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing – Abraham Lincoln.

Never, never, never give up – Sir Winston Churchill. What would Mr Churchill say if we packed up and went home after the first day sail because it was “to hard”.

Decide what you want in life, write it down and decide you will do what ever it takes to achieve it. – Brian Tracy – As my Dad has told me; make a plan and stick to it, otherwise you are a passenger of life.

It’s not the mountain we concur, but ourselves – Sir Edmund Hilary – Refer to the quote by; Norman Vincent Peale

Patience and diligence, like faith, move mountains – William Penn – Good thing’s are worth waiting for. And it’s not the destination that is important. It’s the trip.

Do something every day that scares you - unknown

And here is one from me;

We have fear and we have reality. As human’s we are all often more worried than hurt and we all suffer more from imagination than pain. If you encounter a problem, deal with it at the time, don’t fret about something that doesn’t exist. – Keep this one in mind next time you do something challenging - It is a keeper.


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