Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Charleston, South Carolina

Beufort to Charleston

The ICW has to be one of the most beautifully frustrating places in the world!

Model pose..

There are several words which come to mind when you mention this 70 something mile passage. All of which are not really that suited to a family blog like this one.

City Market..haha

Charleston was very nice looking. Very  similar to Devonport

Flat rib. "Flat as bro"

What makes me say that? Perhaps it was the getting up at 6am to shred across twenty miles and then spend 2 hours doing a detour that ended up sending us back where we started. Perhaps it was running aground 4 times in 6 hours. Perhaps it had something to do with dropping the hook and waiting for the incoming tide (which took hours!) so there was 5mm under the keel which allowed us to scrape through shallow parts. Perhaps it was the anchor dragging when we wanted to have a rest. I could go on. But I will not.

Main Street

City Market Place

…. I think it is probably best if I continue to think those nasty thoughts but mention them. Dare I say, the feeling is mutual amongst all on board.

Perhaps, instead I can share some quotes with you from book’s  I was read along the way. You might want to relate these quotes to our predicament, or you may be able to relate these quotes to your own situation. What ever the case; “”Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing – Abraham Lincoln.


Here's one Cathy Ahuriri reminded me of; sweet and simple; Kia Kaha. 

I wish this car had used the car park like everyone else... there is always one.

Never, never, never give up – Sir Winston Churchill. What would Mr Churchill say if we packed up and went home after the first day sail because it was “to hard”.

Decide what you want in life, write it down and decide you will do what ever it takes to achieve it. – Brian Tracy – As my Dad has told me; make a plan and stick to it, otherwise you are a passenger of life..


Sunset - another sunset!

Sunset up the mast

It’s not the mountain we concur, but ourselves – Sir Edmund Hilary – Refer to the quote by; Norman Vincent Peale

Patience and diligence, like faith, move mountains – William Penn – Good thing’s are worth waiting for. And it’s not the destination that is important. It’s the trip.

$3 Slice = STOKED

Drink coke here!

Do something every day that scares you - unknown

Straight to the hips

And here is one from me;

We have fear and we have reality. As human’s we are all often more worried than hurt and we all suffer more from imagination than pain. If you encounter a problem, deal with it then, don’t fret about something that doesn’t exist. – Keep this one in mind next time you do something challenging. It is a keeper

5th Largest span in the world

Ask Rob what happened to his bike. Haha.

Last view before we departed!

 We arrived safe this morning at about 1100hrs (30.5.12)

Here is a little on Charleston; 

Charleston is a place where the people are down-home friendly, where Confederate flags hang from the top of the state capitol and from the back of any self-respecting good ol' boy's pickup truck. A place where barbecue is a national dish, Wal-Mart reins supreme and signs from God can be found in front of most churches or on any honest Christian's bumper. A place that outlaws gambling, unless it's video poker or Baptists playing bingo. A place with beautiful, historic cities, as well as the world's most god-awful, tacky vacation town, Myrtle Beach. A place where the surf is generally crappy, but can get good as hell, and where 200 miles of varied coast can take you from the heart of paradise to the heart of darkness.

Time to stretch the legs!

And here is one from me;

We have fear and we have reality. As human’s we are all often more worried than hurt and we all suffer more from imagination than pain. If you encounter a problem, deal with it then, don’t fret about something that doesn’t exist. – Keep this one in mind next time you do something challenging. It is a keeper


ICW - Beufort to Charleston, South Carolina

ICW - Beufort to Charleston, South Carolina


There are several words which come to mind when you mention this 70 something mile passage. All of which are not really that suited to a family blog like this one.

What makes me say that? Perhaps it was the getting up at 6am to shred across twenty miles and then spend 2 hours doing a detour that ended up sending us back where we started. Perhaps it was running aground 4 times in 6 hours. Perhaps it had something to do with dropping the hook and waiting for the incoming tide (which took hours!) so there was 5mm under the keel which allowed us to scrape through shallow parts. Perhaps it was the anchor dragging when we wanted to have a rest. I could go on. But I will not.

…. I think it is probably best if I continue to think those nasty thoughts but mention them. Dare I say, the feeling is mutual amongst all on board.

Perhaps, instead I can share some quotes with you from book’s  I was read along the way. You might want to relate these quotes to our predicament, or you may be able to relate these quotes to your own situation. What ever the case; “”Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing – Abraham Lincoln.

Never, never, never give up – Sir Winston Churchill. What would Mr Churchill say if we packed up and went home after the first day sail because it was “to hard”.

Decide what you want in life, write it down and decide you will do what ever it takes to achieve it. – Brian Tracy – As my Dad has told me; make a plan and stick to it, otherwise you are a passenger of life.

It’s not the mountain we concur, but ourselves – Sir Edmund Hilary – Refer to the quote by; Norman Vincent Peale

Patience and diligence, like faith, move mountains – William Penn – Good thing’s are worth waiting for. And it’s not the destination that is important. It’s the trip.

Do something every day that scares you - unknown

And here is one from me;

We have fear and we have reality. As human’s we are all often more worried than hurt and we all suffer more from imagination than pain. If you encounter a problem, deal with it at the time, don’t fret about something that doesn’t exist. – Keep this one in mind next time you do something challenging - It is a keeper.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Beaufort, South Carolina

We are here in Beaufort..

Welcome to Historic Beaufort!

Subtropical storm Beryl is cruising along with us and bringing strong winds with it.

This NOAA satellite image taken Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 1:45 PM EDT shows a swirl of clouds off the Carolina Coast associated with Subtropical Storm Beryl. The storm is expected to move toward the northeast coast of Florida, where it will bring areas of heavy rain and thunderstorms to the drought stricken region. A heat wave is gripping the Plains and Midwest with temperatures in the 90s. More severe weather is possible in the Plains later today. (AP Photo/Weather Underground)

Today is May 28th, Last night we anchored in Fort Royal. At approximately mid night a scwal came through. The said scwall bought heavy rain and wind gusts of upto 48knots! (This was a very sheltered anchorage!) Luckily, the anchor did not drag and Rob's sleep was not interupted - HE SLEPT THROUGH IT!!!! - Thank god we were not attacked during the night in Mexico!

This morning at approximately 7am this morning we relocated to a "free" dock in Beufort.. Docking at 0930 we had arrived just in time for the war memorial day parade. And what a parade it was. See below;

Its really hard to tell, but there is actually a camouflage boat in this picture 

The free dock

Check out the small town Police car!

And the parade goes on!

Perhaps its not such a small town after all!

The US's national pride absolutely sh*t's on NZ's national pride... how many people do
you know who have an NZ flag in their front yard? Perhaps its time  to get one; I know I
will when I get home.

Everyone was at the parade, so no one stopped these guys leaving the amusement park!

I could honestly fill the entire blog memory with these lovely houses.. the town was just overwhelming

UPDATE 28.05.12; is quoted as saying; "Beryl's downpour- shown as the strongest tropical cyclone in May since 1908, according to NBC News- brought 4 to 8 inches of rain in some places. Other areas central to the storm received a deluge of 12 inches."


The ICW - POV, as we departed at 8am

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fort Lauderdale and Cape Canaveral, Florida

This one is for you Nick;

Hey all, it's me; you might be thinking; that sounds familiar but from where? It's been a while... My apologies.

Where do I start? I don't mean to be ratchet but I do like my solitude.... I have crossed my heart and hope this meets your expectations.

Fort Lauderdale was very similar to Miami, big muscles, big b**bs and big money being spent on absolutely everything!

After a "rocky" 30 something hour sail back from Nassau, Bahamas we arrived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

The wind was favorable and we were pushed by a consistant 20knot tail wind the whole way across the Florida straights.

The weather man was officially on the piss when he forecast the weather for this week (starting May 1st) as ever since we have arrived in Florida there has been nothing but sunshine and intense heat! Not the expected thunder and lightening! No complaints!

Our slip in Fort Lauderdale

Las Olas marina is our home for the next week...nice.

Sadly, this brings Dave and Fionas trip to an end. Back to Nz on the 5th is their next chapter. How quickly did the last month go! We can't believe it and nether can they.

Bus driver  = fail

For me, I was glad to arrive but equally as glad to leave, I didn't take many pictures because I felt they were some what typical and boring!

We all had a fantastic time in the Bahamas and made many memories that will never be forgotten. I better not mention how Dave casually drunk a bottle of baileys all to himself or how the girls came home legless and Sandra didn't remember the delicious dinner I made her the next day! or how Rob ate 3 + donuts in a few hours or how.... Hahaha (better stop, I still have a few months on board).

Now though, it's time for a detox.

From here we head north, ICW (Inter Coastal Waterway) here we come to Cape Canaveral!! 

Cape Canaveral

"oh mate, we can chat over tea and ill tell you about how I had to swerve and avoid a prang" - this is a sentence only a kiwi would understand... We hadn't been tied up to Cape Canaveral marina docks for longer than 5 minutes before born and bred kiwi "Steve" came over and introduces himself.
I tell you those flags are gold! (another little story; On the ICW kiwis were waving there NZ flags out the window of there apartment and now this!) it was good to speak to someone who didn't include y'all into every sentence (not that I have anything against southerners).

First view of Cape Canaveral

Fuel dock, Cape Canaveral Marina

Cape canaveral; home of the JFK space centre. Nasa, the place mankind sends its own into space. The Aussies, more kiwis, the ICW, Canaveral locks, rocket launches, speed boat racing, sun burn, wind, thunder, fuel fill up friday, space cadet ash and space captain rob, three ring circus acts; Gosh. It was all happening here!

Guess what? ... Did you guess Manatee?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=RZ-_T9qBO4Gg8QSrm7myCw

JFK Space Center, Cape Canaveral

What a lot to see! I'll let you know we tried. Tried to see from side to side, over 1000acres of space centre, a very busy place and a lot of equally lovely southern people!

Walking around the entey to JFK trying to see what I can see.  "Hello, welcome to the JFK space centre" the attended said;I took a moment; I was feeling slightly disturbed at the price... I looked around; many different walks of life. A lot of people with females, it hurt my brain, trying to pick out the different ethnicities was really insane. It was like a lucky dip, a multicultural centre, a mother ship of the races.

A snaggle toothed sea hag selling Bottled water approached me; but how could I give the lady money for something I get for free?! I took the change out of my pocket and stopped her from going bankrupt. good deed for the day; tick.

Dodgy chick...

While at the JFKSC we had the opportunity to meet a fellow named Scott Parazynski, now this guy; how can I describe him; He had rocket boosters attached to his shoes and  could probably walk over land mines. "An over achiever from h*ll" as Rob said. With a golden smile and platinum frown not only had he been to the International space station five times, he also recently climbed MT. Everest! What a guy, I bet he had put a few blind old grannies into diabetic shock....Hahaha.

If only we all took a leaf out of bis ool, imagine the road to the top, all the hard knocks, through cross guards and city stops. I have an all new appreciation for Astronauts!

Real astronaut in the flesh!

Funny to think he was actually in the rocket pictured

Space Cadet

Now will you look at this; trying to write a blog about C.Canaveral and I am going back and forward just like a camio song. My hands, my pen, my pad;

It was getting late, I looked at my watch; 1800hrs, that's a sign of all the things we were chasing. I spot Rob, time to go; Steve the very generous kiwi bloke had come to pick us up. Good on ya Stevo!

Walking damage

Space rocket engine

The JFK space center is over 1000 acres

On the 22nd after the pain and struggle of 19th failure, the first ever commercial rocket "Space X" was successfully launched into orbit; and we were up at 0355 to see it! It was loud, bright, not like anything you would see at the liquor store or the laundry matt! It sounded like 1000 jets taking of in front of you, and the flames from the rocket were as bright as the sun.

The orignal control room from the time when America sent there first astronauts into space!!

The real deal

Moon rock

Different types of space suits from over the years
(Oldest at the top)

Old rockets now on display

I tried to take some pictures but they came out blurred. It was very cool I will tell you that.

The next morning we set up the ICW and 48 hours later we pulled into Savannah, Georgia. Our days in Florida have come to an end; time for the next chapter. Boom
I feel like cutting loose, i'm not trying to be rude, Ash just cooked; "I'm about to go and grub on some food".

The End.